April 2, 2072- Nepali national team captain Paras Khadka have gone to New Delhi, India on Tuesday for treatment.
Two weeks before the large intestine, large intestine were admitted to the emergency ward of the hospital in Paras. 5 days later, he was discharged from the hospital in. He had gone to India for further treatment. According to coach tamataka the world on Saturday to return to Paras said.
Ground keen competition in the absence of choice is running Team 'A' captain had Manjeet Shrestha. Tim 'C' of the captain of the autumn bhesavakara gharasayi are absent due to the match on Tuesday. His team had led by Binod Bhandari place.
April 2, 2072- Nepali national team captain Paras Khadka have gone to New Delhi, India on Tuesday for treatment.
Two weeks before the large intestine, large intestine were admitted to the emergency ward of the hospital in Paras. 5 days later, he was discharged from the hospital in. He had gone to India for further treatment. According to coach tamataka the world on Saturday to return to Paras said.
Ground keen competition in the absence of choice is running Team 'A' captain had Manjeet Shrestha. Tim 'C' of the captain of the autumn bhesavakara gharasayi are absent due to the match on Tuesday. His team had led by Binod Bhandari place.
अप्रिल 2, 2072- नेपाली राष्ट्रिय टोली कप्तान पारस खड्काले उपचारका लागि मङ्गलबार नयाँ दिल्ली, भारत गएका छन्।
ठूलो आन्द्रा अघि दुई हप्ता, ठूलो आन्द्रा पारस मा अस्पताल को आपतकालीन वार्ड स्वीकारे थिए। 5 दिन पछि, उहाँले मा अस्पताल देखि छुट्टी थियो। उहाँले थप उपचारका लागि भारत गएका थिए। कोच अनुसार पारस फर्कन शनिबार संसारको tamataka बताए।
विकल्प को अभाव मा जमीन चासो प्रतियोगिता टीम चलिरहेको छ 'एक' कप्तान Manjeet श्रेष्ठ थियो। शरद ऋतु bhesavakara gharasayi कप्तान को टिम 'सी' को कारण मंगलवार मा खेलमा अनुपस्थित छन्। उनको टीम द्वारा विनोद भण्डारी ठाउँ नेतृत्व गरेका थिए।
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