April 20, the Indian television series dharabahika hot colors badhuma playful girl, who is the artist Pratyusha Banerjee role of suicide Friday afternoon.
Indian Boy Friend sancamadhyale Rahul Raj Singh after he committed suicide by hanging itself have the information. Jhundiepachi he was immediately admitted to the hospital in Mumbai, Kokila Ben. Where he is heading the team pronounced him dead.
Police Rahul, Pratyusha bhansera and some of his friend is taking the incident described. According to the information in the territory of the West pratyusale Mumbai dark hanging suicide of his home on Friday.
According to his nikataharuka rahulasamga His Boy Friend was running for some time to fight. According to the report, two days after they were preparations for a wedding.
Boy Friend Rahul pratyusamathi wedding was being prepared and were accused of betraying. According to police, Rahul was not at home when the Pratyusha jhunudiin. At about 5 pm when he came home, he could not open the door when Pratyusha the room.
Then he found the door and climbing into the Pratyusha hanging position. Rahul police were informed about this by phone. He then took pratyusalai kokilabena reached the hospital.
The hospital also tried to save him but a few minutes Pratyusha was a doctor pronounced him dead. Police pratyusako home match any kind of suicide note. The body has been sent to the hospital for post-mortem.
She is living in his house with a friend on the west Pratyusha dark. His family has been living out of Mumbai. Pratyusha jharakhandako jamasedapurako are residents. A party during his visit was rahulasamga jamasedapuramai.
He died in Pratyusha artists of her friends are talking not about to commit suicide. Artist Sara Khan said, he was a strong target, she was a young girl. He must commit suicide herself.
Big bosaka Ejaz Khan is clearly competitive in the said language Pratyusha murder. She pointed out that the girl committed suicide Pratyusha the crossfire. Indian television industry is mourning the death of pratyusako defenders.
Every kalakaradekhi program utpadakasamma are talking about themselves as a shock. His fellow artist kamya panjabile death confirmed that he could not speak about some of the reaction conditions are given.
Pratyusha playful in discussing the role of the girl with her slaughter. He also participated in reality show Bigg Boss 7 was. Now, he colors the TV serial dekhiiraheki Zimmer was cyanalamai laws.
According to the latest news, there has been a problem Pratyusha life was coming. According to close friends of his quick temper his behavior through his house .He was accused in January of four police force wore. Agency
चैत २०, भारतीय टेलिभिजन कलर्सको चर्चित धाराबाहिक श्रृंखला बालिका बधुमा आनन्दीको भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आएकी कलाकार प्रत्युषा बनर्जीले शुक्रबार दिउँसो आत्महत्या गरेकी छन् ।
भारतीय सञ्चामाध्यले ब्वाई फ्रेन्ड राहुल राज सिंहसँग झगडा परेपछि उनले झुन्डिएर आत्महत्या गरेको जानकारी दिएका छन् । झुन्डिएपछि उनलाई तत्कालै मुम्बईको कोकिला बेन अस्पतालमा भर्ना गरिएको थियो । जहाँ उनलाई डक्टरको टोलीले मृत घोषित गरिदिए ।
पुलिसले राहुल, प्रत्युषाका भान्सेर र उनका केही साथीसँग घटनाबारेमा बयान लिइरहेको छ। जानकारी अनुसार प्रत्युषाले मुम्बईको अन्धेरी पश्चिम इलाकामा रहेको आफ्नै घरमा शुक्रवार झुन्डिएर आत्महत्या गरेकी हुन् ।
उनका निकटहरुका अनुसार आफ्ना ब्वाई फ्रेन्ड राहुलसँग केही समयदेखि झगडा चलिरहेको थियो । समाचार अनुसार उनीहरु दुईजना केही दिनमै बिहेको तयारीमा समेत थिए ।
बिहेको तयारी भइरहेका बेला ब्वाई फ्रेन्ड राहुलले प्रत्युषामाथि धोका दिएको आरोप लगाएका थिए । प्रहरीका अनुसार जब प्रत्युषा झुनुडिइन् तब राहुल घरमा थिएनन् । साँझ करिब ५ बजे जब उनी घरमा पुगे त्यो बेला प्रत्युषा रहेको कोठाको ढोका खोल्न सकेनन् ।
त्यसपछि उनले ढोका फोडेर भित्र पस्दा प्रत्युषालाई झुन्डिएको अवस्थामा भेट्टाए । राहुलले पुलिसलाई फोन गरेर यसबारेमा जानकारी गराएका थिए । उनले त्यसपछि प्रत्यूषालाई लिएर कोकीलाबेन अस्पताल पुगेका थिए ।
अस्पतालमा उनलाई बचाउने कोशिस पनि गरियो तर केहीबेरमै प्रत्युषालाई डाक्टरले मृत घोषित गरिदिए । पुलिसलाई प्रत्यूषाको घरबाट कुनै किसिमको सुसाइड नोट मिलेन । उनको शवलाई पोस्टमार्टमका लागि अस्पताल पठाइएको छ।
प्रत्युषा अन्धेरी पश्चिममा आफ्नो घरमा साथीसँग बस्दै आएकी थिइन् । उनको परिवार मुम्बई बाहिर बस्दै आएको छ । प्रत्युषा झारखन्डको जमसेदपुरको बासिन्दा हुन् । उनको भेट राहुलसँग जमसेदपुरमै भएको एक पार्टीका क्रममा भएको थियो ।
प्रत्युषाको ज्यान गएपछि उनका केही साथी कलाकारहरु उनले आत्महत्या गर्नै नसक्ने बताइरहेका छन् । कलाकार सारा खान भनिन्, उनी एक मजबूत लक्ष्य भएकी युवती थिइन् । उनले आत्महत्या गर्नै सक्दिनन् ।
बिग बोसका प्रतियोगी रहेका एजाज खानले त प्रष्ट भाषामा प्रत्युषाको हत्या गरेको बताएका छन् । उनको भनाइमा प्रत्युषा आत्महत्या गर्ने केटी नै हैनन् । प्रत्यूषाको मृत्युको खबरपछि भारतीय टेलिभिजन उद्योग शोकमा डुबेको छ ।
हरेक कलाकारदेखि कार्यक्रम उत्पादकसम्म आफूहरुलाई झट्का लागेको बताइरहेका छन् । उनकी साथी कलाकार काम्या पञ्जाबीले मृत्युको खबर पुष्टि गर्दै आफू यसबारे केही बोल्नै नसक्ने अवस्थामा रहेको प्रतिक्रिया दिएका छन् ।
प्रत्युषा बालिका बध मा आनन्दी को भूमिकाबाट चर्चामा आएकी थिइन् । उनले रियलिटी शो बिग बोस ७ मा पनि भाग लिएकी थिइन् । अहिले भने उनी कलर्स च्यानलमै ससुराल सिमर का टीभी सिरियलमा देखिइरहेकी थिइन् ।
समाचार अनुसार पछिल्लो केही समयदेखि प्रत्युषाको जीवनमा केही समस्या आइरहेको थियो। उनका निकट मित्रहरुका अनुसार उनको व्यवहार पनि झनक्क रिसाउने हुँदै गएको थियो ।उनले आफ्नो घरमा जनवरी महिनामा चारजना प्रहरी जवान जबरजस्ती पसेको आरोप पनि लगाएकी थिइन् । एजेन्सी
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